Tones in English Writing: A Simple Guide for Authors

Various tones can be used to convey different meanings in English. Here is a simple guide for authors about tones in English Writing. You’re not the only one confused about the difference between “voice” and “tone” in English writing. Both terms are often used interchangeably by writers. Let’s start with the tone in writing. What …

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Precis Writing: Step-by-Step Guide to Format a Precis

It is a type of writing that summarizes comprehension in a limited number of words, ensuring that all the important points and aspects of the passage are covered. The purpose of precise writing is to summarize.

Precis Writing Skill:

Precis writing skill is among the most common and vital literature writing skills, and it is part of several competitions, i-e, Government exams (, bank exams (, etc. They are also part of the grade 8th and 9th syllabus. 

Let’s explore precis writing, how to use this skills, and tips for formatting a good precis and improving your writing skills.

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